After a summer that went by far too fast - it's back to the world of medicine this weekend.
The Dissertation we were kindly given to keep us busy over the break is done! (that means printed and bound twice, burnt to a CD AND submitted online for plagiarism checks- I think they'll have enough versions to be going on with!)
My bags (and boxes, and suitcases) are packed ready to move into my house with friends tomorrow- 6 medics in one house- could be busy!
Classes begin on Monday and hospital sessions the next week- actually, despite how short the summer was, I'm quite excited!
Oh, and on Monday evening I'll also becoming a 'Medic Mum' of a bright eyed first year student (or maybe even 2) Best of luck to all the new medic freshers.
I'll do my very best to update regularly on life as a second year medic (although my house may be without internet for the first 2 weeks so we'll see how things go....)