Saturday, 8 January 2011

Moving on up!

Yesterday being in clinical phase got a bit more real when we received access to the clinical student web pages and a general timetable from now right through til finals!

Whilst I don't know yet where I will be for each 'block', this is what I will be doing over the next year, known as junior rotation.

  • 2 'medical' blocks
  • Surgery  
  • General Practice
  • Orthopaedics and Anaesthesia
  • Psychiatry
What we do now know is that we do get a limited amount of holiday (2 weeks in summer when the new F1s start work and 2 weeks at Christmas) and the best bit - no major exams until March 2012!

Following these exams we get an elective where we can practice medicine somewhere exciting elsewhere in the world, then more blocks back in the UK until finals in May 2013.

Clinical induction starts on Tuesday, can't wait to get stuck in!

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